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So you want to know

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What follows is quite possibly the most important information you’ll ever read. The interview questions and answers begin on page 5. If you prefer to read paper, download the pdf file for some good reading later on.

You Are A Sovereign Human Being

You Are A Sovereign Human Being

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So you want to know

how to meditate

Time lapse photography of a painting as it comes into being. Notice the eye position and then watch as the mind’s eye appears toward the end of the video. Artist–David Valdez; Score–Angel Garza.

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So you want to know

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The Year 2012 and Meditation

The Year 2012 and Meditation

The Year 2012 and Meditation

Question: will meditation be helpful for the coming changes?

Yes, definitely. Think about this: deep down, everyone knows something is happening. You have those friends who look at you with that mocking grin when you mention the year 2012, but even they are now beginning to suspect something (although they would never admit it). The truth is most people don’t know exactly what is going on; it is common knowledge though: the coming changes of the year 2012 are almost here.

So if you want to lead the way in the consciousness expansion game, don’t rely on the mainstream media anymore—for anything. I agree, there will be times when you’ll feel forced to watch it, like when you’re with friends or family who are still unaware and want you to watch a sports event or movie with them. It’s okay, watch it. Just don’t get caught up in it.

As someone who meditates, you have taught yourself how to observe your mind–to watch your thoughts and emotions as they appear in it. So, remain aware of your thoughts during the sports event (or whatever it is that is on tv). The important thing is to ask yourself why you like watching. Does it have something to do with the emotions or thoughts you get in response to what you’re watching? Do you like the adrenaline rush, the anticipation? These are all permutations of Fear.

You probably already know this, but I’ll say it anyway: if it’s on tv, it’s probably not true. In fact most everything on tv is a lie. That’s why it’s on tv–to keep you believing the lies. So if you haven’t already, throw out your tv. Can’t bring yourself to do it? Then just decide not to watch it anymore. It’s a mass hypnosis device. It’s main goal is to keep you asleep, unaware, unconscious.

Why do I say this? Let’s just say that some things have happened to me which have shaken me out of my “everything’s ok, let’s go out and have a beer” stupor. And every day that passes, I find another way I’ve been conditioned. Another way I’ve been programmed. So I have to ask you this: are You aware of your conditioning, of your programming? Just take a look at how society (which is really just a bunch of people acting out their lives unconsciously) has made you think, made you conform.

The year 2012

I’ve asked a lot of people about it. And what I’ve noticed is that the year 2012 divides us into two groups: those who are staying with the obsolete way of being: letting Fear drive all their thoughts and decisions; and those who are consciously rejecting Fear and choosing Love instead. The choice really is that simple. It’s the consequences that get complicated.

The ones motivated by fear are stocking up on bullets and guns. They’re unaware that Fear is actually holding us back–stalling our evolution. It is an obstacle we have to overcome.

So if fear and those focused on fear are holding humanity back, who will lead us into the next phase of our evolution? The ones focused on Love of course; they are concentrating all their energy only on things they can Love (which is what we should all be doing). The problem is Fear has become a really bad habit, worse than any drug addiction. And we have to drop it.

Now the reason we came here in the very beginning has arrived. Yes, we are living in these times. The final phase in the evolution of our consciousness is here, now. But for so long we’ve been deeply entangled in physical reality–consuming, destroying Nature to satisfy our material wants.

So no one is surprised the crisis is here. But the essential thing a lot of people don’t know is, the crisis is actually taking place inside each One of us! And we have externalized it unknowingly into the physical world. You could say that because we are a mess inside, we have made a mess of the outside.

We do have a choice though. Not as a society, where the group controls the needs of the One, but as individuals, where each One makes a fully conscious choice: between Fear or Love. Which one will you choose?

The Year 2012 and Meditation

The Year 2012 and Meditation

So what’s the difference? The ones giving in to Fear perceive themselves as disconnected, separate from Nature. It’s them against the world. Whereas the Ones who choose Love, experience a deep connection with the world, with Nature, and other people around them. We see other people as no different from ourselves, no matter what part of the world they live in. We know that we are all in the same Universe; all of us are truly interconnected. I am You.

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So how does this all relate to meditation? In the most fundamental way. Every One of us loves Life don’t we? Just think about how good it feels to breathe. Just to breathe. Especially when you’ve been without breath for a moment, like underwater. Why is this? Because breathing is essential to Life. The very act of breathing is connected to the deeper reality, which is why in your meditation practice everything slows down when you place your attention on your breath. Your mind slows to match Nature’s rhythm, which is really your own rhythm. You are Nature!

So it is essential to clear the mind and watch your breath. To breathe was the first thing we did when we got here. It will be the last we do before we leave. It keeps us in the body. Yet by breathing we also connect to the Universe. (Don’t forget there is a whole Universe happening around you at all times; that You are not trapped in your own world. It is only your thoughts that trap you there).

So the Act of Breathing seems like a paradox. It allows you to function in the body while also connecting you intimately to the vast Universe around you. But it is not a paradox. You are One with the Universe around you. Your skin does not separate you from it, only your mind does. Your mind weaves the illusion of separateness using your own Thoughts.

So by meditating and preparing yourself inwardly–rather than outwardly–for the year 2012, you are nurturing change in the greater Universe around you also. This is a vital thing to understand. How you change yourself inside, affects what you perceive outside. Change your Self, change your World.

So remember, in meditation, each time you breathe you are not just taking in air, you are taking in Life Energy. And it’s this Life Energy that connects you at all times to the greater reality surrounding you. I’ve posted 10 How to Meditate Tips that’ll help you observe your mind and prepare your Self for the coming changes of the year 2012. Start preparing inwardly and just remember, there’s nothing to fear, and everything to Love.

Follow this link for 10 Tips on How to Meditate.

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So you want to know

how to meditate