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So you want to know

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What follows is quite possibly the most important information you’ll ever read. The interview questions and answers begin on page 5. If you prefer to read paper, download the pdf file for some good reading later on.

You Are A Sovereign Human Being

You Are A Sovereign Human Being

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So you want to know

how to meditate

Life is a just as much a part of Death as Death is a part of Life. They are events within a cycle. And as time speeds up in the next few years, more and more people will be leaving this dimension to enter the next. Earth is a school, and you will begin to see more people “graduating” all around you.


Understanding life is the key to understanding death. If you know that life is essentially a journey that you planned for yourself; that you enter a physical body to experience this physical reality; that the bundle of experiences and memories that you take to be yourself is not actually You; then you understand that You are the Awareness that focuses through the physical body to experience this reality. You are not the body. Awareness exists independently of the body.

The death of someone close to you hurts because the line of communication has been cut, often without warning. You can no longer see them nor hear them. They have left physical reality yet your mind continues to look for them here–in the wrong place, the wrong dimension. You are accustomed of course to finding them in physical reality–your external world–and now they’re gone. But it is still possible to communicate, just not in the way you’re used to. For this, You will have to evolve, expand your senses.

You know that you can’t rely on your physical senses to communicate with the person who has left. What you need is a way to enter the still point within your Self. By practicing meditating you teach yourself how to access the zero point reliably. By learning how to meditate, you begin to pay close attention to your thoughts, seeing where they come from.

When you practice entering the meditative state often, you may begin to realize that some thoughts feel as though they’re appearing from outside you. You may get a sudden, mind’s eye impression or image; or, you may only feel a presence. Either way, watching your thoughts closely helps you progress in being able to pick up these messages.

Meditating helps you focus your attention inward, which is where the person you are trying to communicate with can contact you. It’s this, inner portal through which their awareness can make contact with you.

You see this person you’ve lost–she has not ceased to exist. She has only left the body behind in order to graduate to the next level. To help her, dwell on positive thoughts about your relationship with her and wish for her to learn as much as possible from the reflection of her lifetime experiences and to expand her consciousness greatly as a result.

Indulging on reliving or recalling memories or feelings that have negative emotions associated with the person who has died does not help them at all. In fact, it holds them back. They may feel unable to leave for the next phase of their journey.

Imagine how difficult it would be to leave family members behind who are suffering and in pain just because you have died. Imagine the guilt. This is why the best thing you can do for the person who has gone is to dwell on positive and even funny memories; send the warm feeling you get from reliving these memories directly to the person who has died. It will help them and you tremendously.

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So you want to know

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Time lapse photography of a painting as it comes into being. Notice the eye position and then watch as the mind’s eye appears toward the end of the video. Artist–David Valdez; Score–Angel Garza.

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So you want to know

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So you want to know

how to meditate